1. 將字卡放在黑板上(如下圖),並標上1、 2 、3 、4。
老師對著全班比2 ,全班看老師手勢說出代表單字。
前面的小朋友對著所聽到的字卡射紙飛機。 並馬上說出I am going to ____.
2. 或把country單字貼在教室角落,幾個學生站在中間,學生聽到教師所唸的單字,射出紙飛機,較接近者得分。
PS .老師也可以將單字編號,如1234,老師比1,全部學生要唸出對應單字3次,學生聽全班唸的單字行動,這樣全班都可多唸幾次。
1. 幾個學生辦海關(有幾國就須幾個學生),學生拿學習單(紙上有9格或自定),學生將國家單字填入空格。
2. 學生必須回答海關問的問題Where are you going? ,得到海關蓋通行章,方可過關到下一國家去。
3. 在時間內完成學習單者過關。
1. 將一張A4紙對折
2. 選一個國家,上半部畫國旗(或著名景點),下半部貼下方表格並完成。(high-level學生自己寫)
1. What is the name of the country? It’s _______________________. 2. Where is __________________? It’s in ( Asia / America / Europe / Africa / Oceania). 3. How many people are there in _________________ ? There are ____________ people in ________________. 4. How do we go to _________________? We go to ________________ by __________________. |
(下圖: 月曆紙留下來當佈置,字昰高年級小朋友幫我寫的)
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/27/2007 18:02:53]<p>two G2 classes, ONE G3 class and eight G6 classes! <img height=37 src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/17.gif" width=41/></p>
Oh, my god!
回覆刪除Oh...wow!! You are such a creative teacher. Your students are so lucky!! I almost never had a fun teacher when I learned English. They were either boring or scary....<img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/9.gif"/>
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/01/2007 14:24:08]English teachers in Taiwan are different now. We usually have seminars which we can learn and share experiences with each other.