2007年4月29日 星期日


The Enchanted Toyshop


Three Little Pigs


1002 Arabian Nights


Debbie Duck, Hide and Hear

Debbie Duck In The Park


It’s Not Fair.


The Princess And the Pea


Shrinking Tweenies


Sir Doodles


Starship Tweenies


Tweenies Tales


 The Treasue Map

The Lucky Envelope


 The Cold Planet

 I Couldn't Believe my eyes

 ABC Zoo

 Spy Cat


 I Am Too Ill


 The Story of Quinine

 Dinosaur Dig

 Superhero High

 No Dogs

 Morris’s Special Day

 I will not take a bath.

 Color The Rainbow.

Clyde’s Smile


Time To Fight A Fire


New Fish On The Reef


The Yellow Gorilla


Bananas For Lunch


The Barnyard Chorus


The Perfect Pet


Story of Shapes


6 Little Teddy Bears


Engine Line, Party Line


When Will Daddy Come Home?


 Five Little Babies
























2 則留言:

  1. Very cool resource...thanks for sharing!

  2. <p>You are so nice!!</p>
    <p>Thank you for sha<img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/7.gif"/>ring!!<img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/1.gif"/></p>



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