2007年3月20日 星期二

適合教學的英語歌曲 -- Doctor Jones by Aquarium???

Doctor Jones

Sometimes, the feeling is right,
you fall in love for the first time
heartbeat, and kisses so sweet,
summertime love in the moonlight.

Now the summer is gone, you have to go back home.
Please come and see me again, I never felt more alone.
Baby, I'm missing you
I want you by my side.
And I hope you miss me too
Come back and stay.
I think about you every day
I really want you to.
You set my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Get up now.
Wake up now.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Wake up now.


All, I think of is you,
and all of the things we had,
Doctor, what can I do?
Why does he had to be like that?

Baby, I'm missing you
I want you by my side.
And I hope you'll miss me too
Come back and stay.
I think about you every day
I really want you to.
You set my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Get up now.
Wake up now.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Wake up now.
Wake up now.

Please, please cure me.
Please, please cure me.
Please, please cure me.
Please, please cure me.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Wake up now.
Doctor Jones, Jones,
Wake up now.
Doctor Jones, Jones,
Wake up now.
Doctor Jones, Jones,
Wake up now.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Get up now.
Wake up now.

Doctor Jones, Jones,
Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones,
Wake up now.
Wake up now.




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