2015年12月17日 星期四

Where are you going?

Sentence:Where are you going? I am going to the bank.
                Where is he/she/Mary/Carlos going? He's going to the __.

  • Activity 1: 

  1. Group the Ss(Group A to D).
  2. Have student A from the Group A to stand in front of the group. 
  3. Have someone from the other group to sit in front of the Student A and replace the flashcards(relating to PLACES).
  4. Student A describes the flashcard he sees and the Group A students guess about the word on the flashcard and make the key sentence like "I am going to the ___." The group A get a point if they make a  right sentence.
  5. The winner is the group who gets the most points. 
  6. Alternative:Student A may say a subject (Name/he/I) and also describes the word on the flashcard. His teammates have to make a sentence including the clue subject. 
    Student A: He / eats lunch.
       A's teammates:He's going to the restaurant. 

  • Activity 2 : Ugly Doll's transformation
  1. Every student has 8 vocabulary cards. 
  2. Have Ss write a subject on the cards. (like HE on the PARK card/ SHE on the ZOO card)
  3. 4 in a group and put their cards facing down on the desk. 
  4. Shuffle and deal the cards evenly. 
  5. Every student takes turn throwing the card and says the words. 
  6. When there are three same cards on the desk, then the first one who says the key sentence like "HE IS GOING TO THE PARK' first can keep the three same cards. If he says it wrong, each of the other student can keep one of the three same cards. 
  7. The game will stop until one of the students have run out of his cards. The one who has the most cards wins the game. 
  • Activity 3: Boardgame
  1. 4 in a group. Give everyone a die. Put the word card pile facing down on the desk.
  2. Everyone rolls the die. The one who has the most dots draws a card from the card pile and read the PLACE word on the card. Then he can occupy the place with his flower flake.
  3. If he draws a LOTTERY card, he can ask the other students to give out one of their property. 
  4. If he draws a JAIL card. He has to stop twice. 
  5. The game will end until time's up. The one who has the most property wins the game.

2015年3月12日 星期四

快速用excel製作information gap課堂句型練習條

理念: 以最快的速度製作英語課堂使用之information gap句型練習條

句型: What does ___ do on (week day)? He/She ______ on (week day)


  1. 以每班30人為例,欄A輸入英語學生名30列
  2. 欄B輸入日常生活動詞(可重複)
  3. 欄C輸入week day(因進行的單元介紹week day)
  4. 將欄A、B、C反白複製於欄D、E、F
  5. 將欄D、E、F反白以欄D進行字母排序
  6. 產生對等配對句型練習條

第三人稱單數現在簡單式句型對話練習(朗文English 8 Unit 2)

  • 句型:  練習What does John do on Sunday? He plays the drums             on Sunday.
  • 設計概念: 以information gap活動提供學生課堂上問答練習的機會,取代重複性問答的練習。學生透過資訊落差,需反覆使用句型問答直到取得答案的時候。
  • 目標:  學生能熟練此句型,並能在答句中記得做動詞變 化。
  • 準備: 句型練習條(excel製作,如下圖),教師於EXCEL製作等同學生人數的句型條,左側是擁有的資訊,右側是需要詢問的資訊。(句型條製作參考文)

  • 步驟:  

  1. 白板出示句型練習條範本,解釋活動需使用的句型
  2. 連續於白板上示範兩次,並詢問部分學生確認全班瞭解如何問答
  3. 發下句型練習條(將上圖切割為下圖,每生一條),   拿到上圖句型條者,需用What does Alisa do on Saturday?去詢問其他人,若左側有Alisa資訊者就須回答問題,若不是Alisa者就回答I don't know. 得到Alisa的答案後,將資訊填在空格;同樣的若有人問What does Jimmy do on Monday? 則拿此句型條者須提供答案如He cleans the room on Monday.    
  4. 教師登記於五分鐘內完成空格填寫者名單。
  5. 未能完成空格者,集合於台上,大聲說出問題,有答案者回答,直到全班都找到答案。
  6. 請學生將句型條貼在作業本,學生寫下活動進行時所有問題與答句。如拿到上圖句型條者須寫下                                     What does Jimmy do on Monday?                                                He cleans the room on Monday.                                                 What does Alisa do on Saturday?                                                 She ________ on Saturday. 
  7. 教師批改學生答案確認學生了解句型用法。
  8. 此活動需重複幾次後,學生才能善用句型。


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